Garage Door Panels Cleaning & Maintenance Tips in Las Vegas, NV; Check Weather Stripping, Hardware & Openers

A garage door is the largest moving object on your home and it needs to be maintained and cared for to ensure that it functions properly. Just like you maintain your car and appliances you are going to need to maintain the garage door as well. Most people actually use their garage door as the main entrance to their home even if they don’t park their car in the garage. That means that if it stops working it can leave you locked out and make your daily routine a little harder.

VF&I Garage Doors Lists Cleaning & Maintenance Tips for Your Garage Door

Are The Garage Door Panels Clean: You want to look at the appearance of the garage door inside and out and take time to clean the panels themselves. This is going to make the garage door look nice, and it is also going to protect the panels themselves. The dirt and debris can start to cause damage to the paint and finish on the panels. If you have a garage door with windows you want to make sure they are also cleaned so the glass does not get damaged from the sediment that can settle on the glass panels.
Garage Door Weather Stripping: When people talk about weather stripping they most often think about the doors and windows in their home but it also has to do with their garage door as well. Although the garage is outside the main area of the home you still want the weather kept out. That is why there is weather stripping on the door. It helps keep water, debris and dirt out and helps insulate the garage as well. Have your weather stripping cheeked and maintained by a professional on a regular basis. It is important to have good weather stripping intact during all season’s not just in the extreme cold or heat. During weather that has lots of wind you can start to collect debris inside and over time the weather stripping can continue to rot and crack.
Check Garage Door Hardware: There is a lot of hardware as a part of the garage door unit. There are hinges, rollers, bearings, bolts and springs that need to be looked after and maintained. The rollers and bearing needs to be lubricated and the moving bits and parts need to be oiled. If you are not sure what you are doing be sure to call a professional to maintain these integral parts of the garage door. If one small part seizes up or breaks, it can stop the entire door from functioning all together.
Check Garage Door Opener: No one wants to manually open and close the garage door just out of convenience. It is much easier to use a remote opener to just hit a button and have the door open on its own. You want to check the clicker and change out the batteries to ensure that you don’t get stuck out in the driveway.

Garage Door Services in Las Vegas, Summerlin, North LV & Henderson Nevada

If you want to have your garage door properly maintained and taken care of call VF&I Garage Doors to set up an appointment.

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